The club would like to thank its members for their patience in obtaining their membership packages and can confirm that all tiers will be available prior to Christmas with some collections being made starting today from 1pm for Red Card and White Card members.
An announcement will then follow this afternoon to invite Gold Card Members to join in collecting their packages.
We had hoped to prioritise membership collections by tier. However, given we are still awaiting membership booklets for the Gold Card Packages, our largest collection, we thought it necessary to reduce the congestion by providing the Red and White Card memberships first given they are ready.
Club owner Derek Beaumont said: “It has been overwhelming; the success of our membership packages and I would like to thank all our fans that renewed and those that have joined the roar. It’s near impossible to forecast what the take up will be on the various packages and that has seen us with a couple of issues that I would like to communicate to fans.
“Firstly, we pre forecast an increase in Gold Packages from 1,100 and secured 2,000 packages. However, we have surpassed 2,500.
“Secondly, the popularity of the Home shirt and Polo shirt has seen packages selecting the Polo shirt way exceed the expectation. We had a glitch with our new system that for some reason didn’t pull through the type of replica selected whilst pulling the size through. This meant that those garments weren’t ordered. The impact of this has been reduced by allocating stock ordered for the stall to the packages. This does not affect the small number of prepaid online Polo sales.
“The additional Polo and small number of replicas, along with additional stock for our store, have been ordered on an urgent basis along with the additional gold boxes.
“I should add that whilst the deadline was in the third week of November, we did include all orders until the end of November so there will be members receiving packages that maybe they thought they wouldn’t.
“We will prioritise those who ordered ahead of the initial deadline and anyone whose stock we do not have, which is minimal on the replicas, we will include a voucher to collect in the New Year at the club.
“With regards to the Gold Boxes we do have a significant number of additional White boxes as these didn’t reach the number forecast due to the success of the Gold and therefore members will be offered to take their package in a White box and be able to swap it in the new year for their Gold box.
“We will prioritise all under 18 Gold Card packages to protect gifts. I would ask any member that is NOT going to collect their GOLD card membership before Christmas to email Jane Smith ( so that we can make the box available to someone who is. This will really assist us.
“There are a few surprises in some of the boxes that give all categories of members a one in ten chance of receiving something.
“Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has helped with the massive challenge of pulling everything together in a short space of time including suppliers, Staff, Team AB and both respective family members all, who have worked long and hard to deliver this how we want to.
“Can I also ask that people express patience when collecting and if any issues arise that they enable us to deal with them as effectively as we can.
“I will be around a lot of the time and am committed to making sure everything runs smoothly as I have been throughout.
“Remember the staff are there to help you. Please don’t take any frustrations out on them. I am sure that we can make it so that everyone is happy in the end.
“The Platinum Suite at the Leopards Den in LSV will be open for collections until 9pm this evening and late on Thursday evening. We will communicate immediately once the Gold packages can be collected which we are hoping will be from 2pm.”