How would you invest £20m in Leigh?

Leigh Leopards are pleased to confirm that Club owner Derek Beaumont has been invited to join the Leigh Town Board.


Mr Beaumont’s appointment comes at an important juncture in the town’s history. Through the Long-Term Towns Fund, Leigh has been awarded £20m over the next decade, to invest in community safety, high street heritage and regeneration, and transport and connectivity.

The Leigh Town Board wants to hear from residents, visitors, shoppers, businesses and communities, about what they think are the most important priorities for our town.

We are circulating all Leigh Leopards Members and supporters, asking you to empower Derek Beaumont by completing an important survey, so that he can be  your voice.

Derek Beaumont said: “It is a honour and privilege to be asked to join such an important board for the benefit of our town.


“As most people who know me know, I am extremely passionate about the town of Leigh and its townsfolk. I am extremely proud to be able to benefit the town through its focal point of the Leigh Leopards Rugby League Club out of the town’s fantastic facility, Leigh Sports Village.


“This appointment gives me a real opportunity to assist others in making some real positive changes to our town.


“Collectively we want to be able to hear the voices of our townsfolk and we have formed the survey to enable us to do that.


“It’s important to know that the makeup of the board, including myself, has various other passionate people from the town and therefore it’s a real opportunity to share your feedback and ideas where your voice really can count as we represent your views.


“This is not a meaningless survey to tick a box whereby the decisions will simply be made by the Council. It is our responsibility as a board to get the best out of this opportunity and to make meaningful and lasting change for the town. We need your help to do that.


“I have always believed that a team of people will achieve more than an individual and the bigger the team the more information we have. Your opinion or idea may feel isolated but share it as it may be one that is embraced.


“This is a real opportunity for our town, and I want to be able to capitalise on it by supporting and representing what people want. So please help me and my fellow board members by completing the survey and sharing and encouraging others to do the same. 

“Remember: Together Everyone Achieves More.”

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